Thursday, February 5, 2009

This Little Light of Mine

If you are an individual artist or a fearless leader struggling to find that almighty dollar, you may have noticed that you're going to need some help.

Here's some!

The renowned dance company Urban Bush Women, which is dedicated to facilitating the use of art as a means for encouraging social responsibility and civic engagement, offers Getting REAL about Fundraising by Cathy Draine. This snappy guide was originally developed to help individual artists raise the money they needed to attend the Urban Bush Women Summer Institute.

The acronym defined:
Researching – knowing what funding is out there.

Evaluating – deciding if the funding is right for you.

Asking – requesting the funding you need in a way that favors you getting it.

Listening – hearing the response you are given and responding accordingly.
I skimmed through while listening to my role model and hero Nina Simone who is as real as you can get without bursting into flame.

Getting R.E.A.L. about Fundraising (PDF)

Nina Simone!!!

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