Thursday, January 15, 2009


Have you heard of Transit Check? It's a commuter benefits program that allows you to set aside up to $120 per month tax free to pay for your transit costs. It saves you money. Your employer has to set it up for you and all that information is here. It's not just for the subway, but also for commuters using other forms of transit.

I am waiting for this month's metrocard, which will cost me less than it would if I got it directly from the lovely people who run the MTA. By lovely, I mean incompetent.

I think Public Art is one of the glorious things about riding the subway.

Faith Ringgold's work is installed in the subway station at 125th Street and Lenox Avenue. It's an extravagant tile mosaic which is worth a visit. I took a picture on my phone at 125th street subway station, yesterday. I also posted it on Twitter. You should go see it though.

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