Thursday, December 4, 2008

How Do We Think about our Craft?

"To ask how we think about our craft is not to ask what we know about it. "

That's a quote from MAXINE GREENE. She's a giant of thought so we type her name in all caps.

In How Do We Think about Our Craft?, Ms. Greene writes:

"To speak of craft is to presume a knowledge of a certain range of skills and proficiencies. It is to imagine an educated capacity to attain a desired end-in-view or to bring about a desired result...We differ considerably among ourselves, of course, on the ends we actually have in mind and on the degree to which they can be predefined. Some of us focus on measurable competencies; others, on the process of coming to know, or on “knowing how” rather than “knowing that.” Some of us confine our attention to the cognitive domain; others try to cultivate imaginative capacities as well as cognitive ones; still others place equal stress on the affective domain. Many of us are uncertain about how much of our craft we have learned and about how much “comes naturally."

We wonder how much of our understanding can be put into words."

MAXINE GREENE on the Muse (youtube video)

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