Monday, December 22, 2008

Let's Make a Deal

People are talking about the incoming Obama Administration's plans for WPA style job programs including some kind of national Arts Corps. Amidst the chatter, there's a sharp article by Arlene Goldbard posted at CAN:

The New New Deal 2009: Public Service Jobs for Artists? By Arlene Goldbard

The idea of a WPA job is exciting because I associate it with Dorothea Lange and Zora Neale Hurston. Still, I think that anyone who is over the moon about the idea of joining a government workforce program has never depended on the arrival of a government-issued check, visited the DMV or read Kafka.

First, I want to know how much it will pay?

Second, I'd like to know if that sounds selfish?

Thirdly, I want to know what I will have to give up in order to join a government sponsored jobs program?

Will it be my right to privacy? 

Will it be my right to demand a minimum wage? 

Will it be my right to unionize? 

Will it be my right to produce content that is objectionable to the government? 

Then, of course, I'd like to know where do I sign?

Brother, can you spare a dime?

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