Monday, February 23, 2009


If you check out the Insider's Guide to Arts Education Planning on the website of the California Alliance for Arts Education you might feel encouraged because it is a really informative guide on how to go about getting a comprehensive community plan for arts education off the ground.

If your job is to raise money for arts education in California, you're going to need all the encouragement you can get because the plan to close California's $42 billion deficit involves "devastating" cuts to education, which means there is less money for art.

In this case, "less" means none.

The California Teachers Association has testimonials about the impacts of the budget crisis. This one is from student Jose Corona who goes to school in the Azusa Unified School District:

"The effect of the budget crisis in my school is that they want to cut all K-12 music as well as many other arts which prepare us for the future. I will be a musician, but this budget cut is going to hold me back."

If you check out Joni Mitchell singing California live on the BBC you'll feel better about everything. It won't change anything about the budget, but you'll feel better.

Since it is Monday, I would suggest you start with dessert.

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